Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ouch! Playing hurts!

We were soooo excited when mom came home last night. It was dark outside and we missed her. We were crazy boys and running around in circles.

I ran past her and hit the hardwood floors and started sliding and went "BOOM" into the wall by the stairs. Ouch! I cried and cried and cried and couldn't stand up very well. My right leg really really hurt. And I had to pee.

We went outside but I didn't walk far, cuz I was only using three feet and was a little unstable.

Mom took us back inside and she looked at my foot and my leg and my knee and my shoulders. Getting attention was nice, but it still hurt. I didn't sleep upstairs. Mom said if it wasn't better in the morning we would go see Dr. Kelso.

My foot didn't seem to want to bend the right way when I was walking this morning. Mom massaged it some more and I didn't cry this time. But, a little while later, Opie wanted to play and I started to play with him. My foot feels a lot better.

Mom's wondering what it was?
Wuf ya!

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