Tuesday, April 01, 2008

It's My Pupped-Day!

Yup. Today is the annifursary of the day I was pupped!

Sorry. There are no puppy pictures to share. Dogmom and Jennifer from Friends For Life didn't find me till almost three months from today in that dumpster. And then, when dogmom finally took me home, she took lots of pictures, but that was before everybody (and especially dogmom) could afford digital cameras. So the pictures we did have got lost when we moved to Minnesota when I was two.

Dogmom says I'm 8 years old. Dogmom says I'm her middle-aged old man.

Funny. I don't feel a day over four.

Anypaws, thanks for visiting today. And don't forget to leave a comment because of what we aren't supposed to tell you. (Details here.) Every visitor = 10 cents and every comment = 25 cents toward surgery for an animal that needs it or a donation toward an animal that doesn't have a home.
And don't forget to tell everydog and everycat and everybunny and everyhampster to visit today, too. Oh, yeah, and even your humans should visit if you think they can figure it out.

Wuf Ya!


Peanut said...

Oh I'm first how cool. We posted about this on our blog. So we hope you get a ton of visitors. Happy Pupped day to you

Anonymous said...

Happy Pupped day! What a great blog - keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

I'm all for birthdays, and your dogmom dontating to those in need. That's a smashing idea. How many comments do you think I could make in one days time? Is there a limit? Let me know what you think Opie man. Cuz, you were the smart one, right? Or am I mistaken? Anyway, April is a good month, so you have a very nice birthday. And a very handsome picture you have there. So how come you're such a clod when you see me at pet crossing and chase me all over? Your dog mom is much nicer to me than you are. Remember, I am only the size of your big head!! But even so, we won't tell her all of that, we have to make them think we are always the smarter ones. We'll just keep playing the game, but take it easy next time I see you.

Happy Birthday and happy donating.

Duely Bean

The Zoo Crew said...

Happy Pupped Day!!! Hope it's a pawsome day :)

Peace + Paws,

The Zoo Crew

Anonymous said...

Happy Pupped Day Gomer!! What a wonderful dogmom you have. Looking good Gomer, the diet is doing well for you, you don't look a day over four!

Kim, Haleigh & Sydney

Ari_1965 said...

You're not too bad, dog. Give her a chance, I'm sure my owner would say, "Oh, he's so cute!" and see if you like chest rubs. She's a little embarassing sometimes.

It's good to see a picture of you that isn't a closeup of your gums. A dog is more than his gums, you know.

Of course, you're not the chick magnet that I am, but so few are. Many happy returns of the day.

Pupped approximately May 22nd.

Janet Roper said...

Happy Pupped Day to you,
Happy Pupped Day to you,
Happy Pupped Day, Dear Gomer,
Happy Pupped Day to you!

We hope you get lotsa treats!

Your fellow pups,
Emmie & Teddy, and Mom Janet

Lacy said...

woofies and burf's, happy happy pupped day Gomer...git lots of treats and toys..gonna post it on me bloggy too and c iffin we git more comments..heehee mayb even on the bone yard zone..and the DWB;s news..

b safe,
Rocky, Bear and angel Lacylulu ;)

stinkypaw said...

Happy Pupped Day Gomer! All the best & many more to come! Have fun!

Gus said...

Hi Yall...Peanuts sent me.

happy barkday

Peanut said...

Hey does it count if I post again? Hmm let me know. Anyway just came by to see how many comments you are getting :)

Jaya said...

Happy Pupped-Day, handsome Gomer! I hope you have a WONDERFUL day. The sun is shining brightly here in New Mexico this morning... I think it knows it's your Pupped-Day!

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

Wow happy birthday - it is great and swell we will come back for sure to visit

Patience-please said...

Happy Pup day and everyday!! We found you from Peanut's blog.

wags from the whippets

Petra said...

Peanut told me it's your birthday, so I'm here to wish you a happy day! May you have many, many more!

Anonymous said...

Now on one hand I could blame you for my mistake Opie, for always chasing me, so I never get to just look at the two of you and often forget who's who. and my master(so she thinks) is at work so I couldnt ask her. On the other hand its quite rude to get you confused on your birthday. so happy b day Gomer. my master lost pics and even video of my buddy Casey when he was a pup. she's real bummed, especially now. so just remember what I always hear puppy dr. kate tell her, "you'll always have them in your mind." sometimes I think my master thinks she's just crazy, but other times she says she's makes more sense than any one else in the world. so youre here now dude, take lots of pictures, smell all that you can reach(without asking), say what you want to those you want, and take it all in.
do what you want.

good day to you gomer(you too opie).
Eat lots of treats!!!

Duely Bean

Sophie Brador said...

Hope you have a great day! I love the fundraiser too! Shhhh .... I didn't say that.


Snowball said...

Happy Barkday, Gomer. 8 yrs old isn't old at all. I am going to be 10 soon and I dun feel old too.

I wish you all the good health and that you get lots of treats and belly rubs everyday.


Snowball said...

Hi Gomer,

This is Snowball's jie jie. She wanted me to come over to wish you Happy Bday so that your dog mum will donate more money to help rescue the dogs in need.

Enjoy your special day. You dun look like a 8 year old.


Anonymous said...

Shh... don't tell, but we think that multiple comments and visits count, too. I mean, dogmom's only human, so how could she figure it out? Hmmm? She'll just go to google and statcounter and see big numbers of visitors and she'll go to blogger and see the comment count for the day and then she'll pay that amount cuz that's what we tell her. Silly humans. They can't figure anything out for themselves.

(If they could, why would they keep leaving their food where we can get to it?)

Wuf Ya!
Gomer & Opie

PerfectTosca said...

Happy Day Gomey!!!!!! You handsome devil you!!!!

I would like a plank a big wet kiss right on your face and then I woud plant one on your Dogmom too!

Simba said...

Happy Pupped Day!! All the best this year!!



Anonymous said...

Very Cool! Happy Pupped-Day to you!!!!

Duke said...

I'm so glad we came back! We were here earlier and wished you happy birthday on the Floyd posting!
Happy birthday again, Gomer!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber said...

Happy Pupped day Gomer!!

Anonymous said...


Happy Birthday Gomer! Ya know what? Today is my birthday too! Yep, I'm one years old today! I have had lots of hugs & kisses and mom and Griffin sang happy birthdat to me too! My sister's birthday is August 19th and she will be two!

My boy Girffin was so sad after our older brother died (we did not get to know hime, but his spirit is still hear and we know he was a great dog!) that mom decided to get my sister Maggie and then felt so sorry about leaving her when she went to work that they got me, my name is Daisy! We have the same parents 'cept I'm 8 months younger that my sister.

Yep, we give mom a run for her money too! We are miniture dachshunds, are legs are short but boy oh boy can we run! Even Griffin who is 9 years old has a hard time catching us! We like to chew on moms cabinets and furnature allthough, we have found that mom get pretty upset so we aren't doing that so much any more! Maybe we can get togethter some day! Hope you have a wounderful birthday!

Daisy, Magie, Griffin and Melva

Maeby said...

Happy Birthday!


bk said...

Happy Pup Day Gomer, I think what you are doing is wonderful. Came right over from Lacys bloggy

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Pupped Day. Eight years is worth celebrating, especially after such a bad start. We're glad you were rescued.

Lady Kaos said...

Happy Pup Day! I saw Peanut's post and had to come wish you a great day! This is a great idea your dogmom has!

Anonymous said...

Well, Happy Pupped Day To You! You really don't look a day over four. Jonesy will be eight in September and he was rescued too.

I think 8 is middled aged, but since I'm no expert, I may be wrong.

Deanna said...

Happy Day! I bet your mom is sad about losing your baby pictures :(


Happy Barkday Gomer. Hope you play outside all day.

Dog Speed

Essex & Deacon

Anonymous said...

Hi, happy pupped day Gomer!


Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Gomer -

Happy Pupped day to you. We saw your link on Angel Lacylulu's blog. We are new at blogging and wanted to say hello.

You must feel lucky that you have a great Dogmom.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

P.S. We like your blog.

Moco said...

We are so glad that Dogmom found you and you are doing so well.
We are hoping that Dogmom goes broke and helps lots of pups.

Johann The Dog said...

Happy, happy, happy, happy wonderful birthday to ya fella! We are proud to know ya, and be your friend. Woofs, Johann

Now I'm off to blog about this, so hopefully you'll get a flood of comments and make your Mum go broke, BOL!

Unknown said...

Happy Pupped-Day! Love the blog dogs. The antics you dogs get into sometimes makes my mom think that I could be causing more trouble. (I could too, just haven't yet. There are still MANY place left to dig; but.. shhh... don't tell her that!)


Stanley said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Gomer!

I swear. You don't look a day over 3 to me.

Cool idea for celebrating your birth, man! Glad you were born.

Goober love & birthday smooches,

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Happy Birthday!!

Steve and Kat

Anonymous said...

Hi Gomer,

Happy Pupped day! I found you through Johann the dog's site.

Happy Birthday!
Colby, Linus, and Stetson

Urban Smoothie Read said...

happy barkday 2 u!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Gomer! You look like a big ole' sweetheart!

Willie and Waylon said...

Happy pup day!!

Lorenza said...

Happy Pupped-Day Gomer!
I hope you had a great day!
Kisses and hugs

Peanut said...

Oh man dogmom is going to have to fork out the money. hahaha it's great

Moco said...

Grammie want to wish you a Happy Pupday. She hopes this counts toward the goal.

Anonymous said...

hi Gomer, happy pup day to u...

peace, Claudette

Anonymous said...

Lots of treats and behind hte ear scratches to you on your birthday!

L said...

Happy Pupped Day! What a gret idea for celebrating! Hope you get lots and lots of visitors.

Joe Stains said...

Happy barkday!!!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Happy Puppy day to you Gomer,
Hope you have lots of treats and toys on your special day...

~ Girl girl