Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It's Opie's Barkday!

Send all your friends to visit our blog today (May 1, 2008)! Dogmom's doing the same fundraiser that she did on my pupped-day!

Each visitor to Dogs' Aye View today means $0.10 to a local animal rescue.
Each comment means $0.25.

The more the merrier! So go tell everydog and everycat and every hampster and, well, everybunny!

Wuf Ya!


Snowball said...

Woof. Happy Barkday Opie.


Snowball said...

Happy Barkday, Opie.

Snowball on behalf of jie jie.


Happy Bark Day Opie. Hope you enjoyed the Sun Halo. May the Collie's blessing be with you always.

Dog speed,
Essex, Deacon & Dog Dad too

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Happy Barkday Opie - have a wonderful day buddy :-)

(the other) Opy :-)

Sharon said...

Happy birthday, Opie!


Ari_1965 said...

Many happy returns of the day, Opie.

Thoughts said...

Happy Happy Barkday and Birthday Opie!! Dont run away today, okay? You might get a special treat or something for your special day. If I know your DogMom, she has something special for you :)

Benson and Gibson

Anonymous said...

Howllo! and Happy Barkday from another Minnesota dogster :)

Lena Malik

Amber said...

Happy Barkday Opie! :)

Moco said...

Happy barkday Opie,
Now stay home.

Moco said...

Happy day Opie,
I hope you get lots of treats. I love treats.


Moco said...

Happy, happy, happy day. Please quit giving Dogmom gray hair.


Moco said...

Happy Day Opie,
Remember what Dorothy said, "there's no place like home."


Moco said...

Happy Barkday Opie,
Behave yourself or I will send a virtual nose swipe to you.

Clara the big fat cat

Anonymous said...

HAPPY B-DAY, Opie!!!

(Hope you're home to celebrate it!)

Angel :)

Lacy said...

woofs Opie, happy barkday to u, me hopes u gets lots of pressies and trweats and haff many more barkdays...

b safe,

Kodak the Eskie said...

Hi Opie! Happy birthday! I hope you get lots of treats and tummy rubs. I'm from Minnesota too!

Hugs, Kodak

Janet Roper said...

Happy Barkday, Opie. Hope you're staying home long enough to enjoy it!
Teddy, Emmie &
Janet Roper

Lizzy said...

Happy Birthday Opie! I hope you have a grrrrEAT one!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy barkday, Opie! We hope it has been a good one for you. We hope you got a special treat, perhaps a bone with peanut butter icing?

Lacy said...

woofiessss Opie, happy barkday, dis is angel lacylulu, me hopes u get a lot of trweats...

b safe,
angel lacylulu ;)


We just came to see how many barkday greating you got. We were wondering if you ever saw a sundog?
Essex & Deacon

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Happy Barkday Opie! May all your wishes be granted.

Love Licks, Crikit

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Opie! Happee Barkieday treats lots of treats is what I'm thinking.

Love Licks, Sparky barking loud

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hi Opie I sniffed over to wishyou a very happy barkieday.

Love Licks, Ginger
waggin TX tails

Lacy said...

woofs Opie, have a pawsome barkday...


the many Bs said...

happy barkday to Opie!!!


Maya and Kena said...

Happy Barkday Opie!!
Hope your day is full of belly rubs and treats!
And what you are doing with your barkday is pawsome, such a caring thing to do!
Oh! And we furgot to say that we heard about you from Rocky, Bear, and Angel LacyLulu's blog.
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday Opie!
I hope you had a great day!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

Hi Opie
And Happy Birfday!!!
What a gweat idea youw Mom has..I was told about you by angel LacyLulu and Rocky..It's vewy nice to meet you!
smoochie kisses

Asta said...

Opie and GOmer
II have been weaing youw Biogwaphies, and want to tell you how handsome and wondewful you bof awe, and what a gweat Mom you have..Happy eigth Birfday to bof of you
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Opie! I just started reading your blog and liked the your mom's idea to generate some $$ to help out other pups.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Happy Barksday to you Opie!!

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

Happy birthday, Opie! Did you get cake?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Opie -

We just saw Rocky's blog and saw that it is your birthday. If we are late happy Belated Birthday!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Happy Barkday, Opie!! Glad to help with your fundraiser. We are finally recovered from our vacation at Dogpad. It takes a lot out of a pup to be there for a whole week. We were so, so happy to see our humans, though. Hope to see you guys at Dogpad again soon! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Hope it was great!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!


Peanut said...

I missed your birthday. AHHH I feel so bad.

Peanut said...

Oh how is it going with the cat huh?

Anonymous said...

Hope this still counts. Happy Birthday!

Lacy said...

woolf, opie and gomer, me hopes dis still counts too..

b safe,
~rocky and company~