Saturday, December 01, 2007

Today Might Be Opie's Birthday!

Dogmom usually celebrates our adoption day and not our birthday, because we don't really know when our birthday was. But, Opie was about 9 months old or so when dogmom adopted him on August 1, 2001, so we think that today might be his birthday. That means he's seven years old today.
Look at the goofball... how old do you think he is?
Wuf Ya!


Peanut said...

Happy Maybe Birthday Opie. You don't look a day over 6. haha

Snowball said...

Happy Barkday, Opie.

He look very young to me.



Opie, Happy might be Barkday. You don't look a day over 3. We have a reindog test on our site you might like. Deacon barked your Rudolph, but I barked back your Donner.
Dog Speed
Essex & Deacon

Anonymous said...

Happy Maybe B-day, Opie! My mama recently found your blog for me to read. She thinks I need to make more doggie friends (since I kinda think I'm a person sometimes)and you guys are awesome. My mama celebrates my Adoption Day too!

Murphy Dogg

Carrie Garvin said...

Oh how did I miss this! Happy Bark-lately little Opie! Hope you have a special treat!!!!