Friday, November 23, 2007

Anydog Know How to Open the Fridge?

Cuz we know there's some really good stuff in there today. Dogmom made it yesterday and we only got a teeny weeny bite... hardly even a taste really.

If you know how to open the fridge, will you tell us in your comment? Cuz dogmom's at work today and we gotta get in there!

Wuf Ya!


Dandy Duke said...

We've never personally broken into the fridge before but we imagine that if you put your paws on the edge of the door and pull real hard, it should pop right open! Let us know how much of that good stuff you ate before mom gets home, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Is there a towel on the handle. I heard if there is you can pull on it and get the door open. This is why mom doesn't put towels on the handle of the fridge at our house.

Snowball said...

My friend, Twister knows how to open drawers and cupboards. She is a Maltese slightly bigger in size than I.
Perhaps you should ask her for the tricks and being bigger size than we, you should have enough strength to open the refrigerator once you learn the tactics from her.

Kerrio said...

Nope - no oposable thumbs here....

Moco said...

You need a remote.

PerfectTosca said...

I could do it but what would be the point? I mean I would end up crated for a month or something just because I grabbed a slab of ham.

The WOman's RIP cat Giz used to open the freezer and knock steaks out. He got away with it because he was a cat. I mean if I tried that, I would probably be banished to dog Siberia or something.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Yep a towel on the handle would work. Dad keep threatening to do that so I can get him a beer.. He he silly humans...

mmicca♪ said...
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mmicca♪ said...

Hello from far EAST.
Do you know how our door slides to open here?
We often paw it as hard as we can and it just OPENS!
(You know what's waiting out there)
Our owners were REALLY very surprised about what happen during their absence.
Well, so, JUST PAW IT!
And the DOOR OPENS!!!

B.B.and J.C.